Annoyed with those unexpected lipstick smudges?

Annoyed with those unexpected lipstick smudges?

“May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else…” I Thessalonians 3:12 On one of my thrift store shopping sprees, a huge Cadillac drove by and it reminded me of my godmother Helen Fortin. Helen was a very proper lady who...
A View Through the Rain

A View Through the Rain

We recently took my parents to the South Coast Botanic Garden. The weather in Riverside had been warm and sunny the day before, so I failed to look at the weather for the coast. What a difference a 57 mile drive can make. When we arrived at our destination it was...
But God

But God

I got a tattoo several years ago that simply says, “But God…” I had just finished a study at church and combined with the stress at home it was to be a visual reminder to me that God has a purpose in what He allows in our lives. In all honesty, some days I use this...
Freedom Through Letting Go

Freedom Through Letting Go

I don’t know what holds you captive right now, but have you found yourself at a place in your life and wonder, “How did I get here?” or  “What just happened?” I have multiple times. Actually, too many times to count. I felt powerless to change what was happening...
A Steady Walk

A Steady Walk

Meeting Jesus at my Favorite Beach Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? You know the ones that may be mistaken for a charity donation. A good pair of shoes goes a long way. And the truth is, nobody can fill these nasty old shoes but me. These are my go to shoes when...